
Title Sponsor--SOLD

  • 9 Entries into the Friday Golf Tournament or 4 spots in Tennis Pro-Am
  • 18 Invitations to the Dinner and Auction
  • 4 Invitations to the Sponsor Event
  • Premium placement/space on court side and golf course banner
  • Recognition throughout the event
  • Prominent name recognition on all social media and communications
  • Signage throughout the venue at all events
  • Full page black and white ad in Sugarloaf Living Magazine
  • Speaking role in pre-golf ceremonies


  • 3 Entries into the Friday Golf Event Plus 2 Entries in the Tennis Pro-Am
  • 10 Invitations to the Dinner/Auction
  • 4 Invitations to the Sponsor Event
  • Personalized Gift Package
  • Court side & golf course banner space
  • Speaking role in pre golf ceremonies
  • Half page black and white ad in Sugarloaf Living Magazine
  • Recognition throughout the event


  • 3 Entries into the Friday or 1 Entry in the Tennis Pro-Am
  • 8 Invitations to the Dinner/Auction
  • 4 Invitations to the Sponsor Event
  • Court side & golf course banner space
  • Personalized Gift Package
  • Quarter page black and white ad in Sugarloaf Living Magazine
  • Recognition throughout the event


  • 3 Entries into the Friday Golf Event or 1 Entry in the Tennis Pro Am
  • 6 Invitations to the Dinner/Auction
  • 2 Invitations to the Sponsor Event
  • Court side & golf course banner space


  • Signage at tee box or tennis lawn



Closest to the Pin Sponsor